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Life can be


Your wellness doesn't have to be.


Wellness that fits               life

1:1 Nutritional Therapy

Are you tired of feeling run down, sluggish, and drained? Tired of fighting the mid-day crashes, sugar cravings, and after-meal bloating? Maybe you even have some stubborn weight you just can’t seem to lose? You need a plan tailored to your lifestyle, your needs, and your food preferences, and let’s be honest, a plan that is sustainable and doable.


By addressing and digging into the root cause of your health concerns, we can make significant strides towards lasting change, leaving you feeling more energized, improving your sleep, resolving digestive issues, and ultimately helping you live a healthier, happier life.

No more

going through the motions with a wellness program that's not balanced and sustainable for your lifestyle.

Wildwood Coaching isn't your typical
Health and Wellness Coach.

Together you and I will work together to create a sustainable plan that moves you toward your health and wellness goals.

"[Christen's health and wellness coaching]  has helped me allow myself grace when things do not go as planned/scheduled."

 - Client 1

"[Christen approaches] coaching [with] impeccable listening skills, passion for health and helping others, empathy, effective communication skills, a great sense of humor, adaptability/flexibility, patience, inner strength, common sense, and holistic thinking!"

- Client 2

"[Christen was] always flexible if we needed to take a turn on a new topic. But also always made sure that we wrapped up each goal/topic every time. She was patient and nonjudgmental with all of my goals!"

- Client 3

I have an easy and flexible approach

Let's Chat

We'll talk about what's worked for your health and wellbeing before, what hasn't and what obstacles you want to overcome.

It's time to get to work!

No cookie cutters here. Each coaching experience differs from the others. My holistic approach sets you up for success, and we work to make sure your plan is sustainable for YOU.

In it together.

Through scheduled touch points and ongoing sessions, I'm alongside you through your health and wellness journey. I'll make sure you stay on track and will provide feedback along the way. I'm your #1 accountability buddy.




Book Now

The Healthy Feed

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